General information
27th – 29th October, 2018
- U12 (2006 and younger)
- U14 (2004 and younger)
- U16 (2002 and younger)
- U18 (2000 and younger)
STARTING FEE: 120€ / team
The price includes 2 night’s accomodation in hostel with full board and extra lunch on the last day, all games, guided tour of Ljubljana, gifts and entry to Halloween Party.
The price includes 2 night’s accomodation with breakfast in Austria Trend hotel****, lunch and dinner in hostel, extra lunch last day, all games, guided tour of Ljubljana, gifts and entry to Halloween Party.
GAMES: All teams play minimum of 4 games. Please see a full list of tournament rules here.
AWARDS: Team trophies and medals will be awarded to the top three teams in each age group.
- Sports hall: SGGOS, Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 Ljubljana
Prizorišče / Venue
Srednja gradbena, geodetska in okoljevarstvena šola
Dunajska c. 102, Ljubljana
Ura / Hour
V noči iz sobote 27.10.2018 na nedeljo 28.10.2018 ob 3.00 se spremeni čas nazaj na 2.00 tako, da spimo eno uro dlje.
+1 hour
On Sunday, 27.10.2018 at 3.00 the clock will be set back to 2.00, so we can sleep an hour longer.
Volkswagen 23. Ljubljanski maraton/Volkswagen 23st Ljubljana Marathon
Due to Ljubljana marathon on Sunday, 28.10. 2018, the access to location of Halloween Ljubljana Open Tournament will be limited. Access will be possible only until 10.30 in the morning and again after the last runner (no later than 16.00).
Zaradi organizacije Ljubljanskega maratona bo v nedeljo, 28.10. 2018, otežen dostop do turnirskega dogajanja. V dogovoru z organizatorjem Ljubljanskega maratona bo mogoč dostop do dvorane SGGOŠ samo iz Rondoja Tomačevo po Vojkovi navzdol. Na tej poti je Vojkova cesta že pod zaporo od semaforja v križišču z Baragovo cesto do naslednjega semaforja, kjer zavijete na Gosarjevo cesto (pri Ekonomski fakulteti).
Tu teče trasa Ljubljanskega maratona, zato bo ta del ceste odprt samo do 10.30 ure zjutraj, potem pa šele, ko odteče zadnji tekač (najkasneje ob 16.00).
Organizacijski odbor turnirja / Organizing committee for Hallowen Ljubljana Open 2018
Koordinatorja / Coordinators: Vesna Zavrnik Pulević, in/and Mišo Sambolić,
Člani odbora / Organizing commity members:
Alen Ploj, Alenka Bozovičar, David Drame, Eva Gogala, Ines Hribar, Marija Pavlič, Matjaž Kandus, Matjaž Mlakar, Mišo Sambolić, Rankica Šarenac, Tevž Pavšek, Uroš Jakopič, Uroš Meden, Vesna Kapelj, Vesna Vrečer, Vesna Zavrnik Pulević
Pomembna podpora / Important support:
Alenka Bozovičar, Alenka Lorber, Alen Ploj, Aleš Ivanuša, Amela Sambolić Beganović, Ana Jug, Andreja Mustavar, Ane Markov, Anita Krizmanić, Bane Jovičević, David Drame, Dijana Sabranović, Emina Kandus, Eni Ožbolt, Ela Stergar, Eva Gogala, Eva Jamnik, Frane Stresen, Fredi Mustavar, Gordan Sket, Igor Garić, Ines Hribar, Irena Zavrnik, Jani Vrečer, Jasminka Najger, Jelena Grašič Atanacković , Julijana Markova, Katja Malik, Kory Golob, Lili Dakić, Maja Percan, Marija Pavlič, Matej Jamnik, Matjaž Ileršič, Matjaž Kandus, Matjaž Kos, Matjaž Mlakar, Mirjana Borojević, Mišo Sambolić, Neža Vrečer, Nina Caserman, Nuša Verbič, Rankica Šarenac, Rok Pulević, Sandra Kapus, Sanja Modrić, Saša Črnologar, Tamara Markova, Tatjana Črnologar, Tevž Pavšek, Tjaša Kump, Uroš Jakopič, Uroš Meden, Vesna Kapelj, Vesna Vrečer, Vesna Zavrnik Pulević, Vlado Ožbolt, Zoran Dakić, Zorica Šmitran, Željko Gudžulić, KK Paklji in starši ŽKK Triglav.
latest changes: 6.11.2018
Podporniki turnirja / Tournament supporters
latest changes: 26.10.2018